
See Your Land in a New Light

Concerns over climate change are driving a global energy transition. While oil and gas operators are seen as essential providers to the energy mix, they’re also facing increased scrutiny over their environmental practices and carbon emissions. Energy companies are responding with aggressive environmental policies and bold carbon reduction goals. But most have not yet realized that proper energy-waste management can play an important role in reaching those goals. Landowners are in a unique position to advance this conversation.

A better way to manage energy waste

Energy waste includes oily drilling fluids, flowbacks, and other nasty refuse that result from oil and gas drilling, completion, and production. While federal laws do not deem them to be hazardous, these waste streams contain elements not friendly to nature. This waste is most often dumped into open reserve pits or thinly spread and tilled into the soil near the drilling site, where it can contaminate the land, leak into the water table, and emit greenhouse gases into the air. Milestone offers a better way – for energy companies, landowners, and communities everywhere.

A Milestone worker attaching a pump to an oilfield waste vehicle.

We take the waste and the risks away

Milestone’s advanced offsite solutions protect your land by putting the energy waste in a place where it can do no harm to anyone, ever. Our proprietary slurry injection wells lock waste away deep underground in impermeable geologic formations, thousands of feet below the water table. Our landfills are expertly engineered and built to be a failsafe way of securing solids eternally without danger of leaks into surrounding soil and groundwater.

Milestone’s conveniently located network of waste disposal facilities enables operators to do the right thing by removing the energy waste from your land. Our solutions cost about the same as environmentally risky and obsolete disposal practices like open pits and land application. And because we sequester waste securely and permanently, we help preserve your land while helping operators reach their corporate environmental and sustainability goals.


Protect your land in perpetuity

Land is a precious resource. It should be protected, not just to keep it pristine and unfouled, but also to keep your options open for using it for future generations. With Milestone’s waste management solutions nearby, you’re able to continue development and production of the vital oil and gas assets that energize our lives and economies, while also keeping your land free from contamination and available for future uses. At the same time, you gain the peace of mind that the energy waste produced on your land is being properly and responsibly handled.

Greenary with dog

Strength in Numbers

232,000MT CO2eFugitive emissions from land application avoided
1 in 10LeakReserve Pits risk soil and groundwater contamination
19,600AcresLand Surface Saved From Land Application Since Inception

Our Solutions

An overview of a landfill under construction in a desert.


We sequester solids in permanent underground “carbon sinks” at our slurry injection sites, giving you one resource for all waste streams.

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A picture of a slurry injection pump at dusk.

Slurry Injection

Our proprietary process safely and permanently sequesters energy waste thousands of feet below the water table.

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